Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The woes of pet owners

We have a beautiful yellow lab named Nelly. She is the best dog we have ever had. She is calm and lets the kids climb all over her. She has had a clean bill of health for her whole 3 yrs of life. Well yesterday she came downstairs limping. I did not think to much of it considering she has limped before and was better in a couple of days. Later in the day she peed in the house. Now if you remember I said she was the best dog I ever had so peeing in the house is out of the norm for her. She did it twice. So off to the vet we went this am, with my fresh collect urine sample on hand lol. They want to do a battery of test, I just want to keep the bill down. We opt to give her a urinalysis, amoxi for her presumed UTI and an anti-inflammatory for her leg. Total for the bill........$144 @@. So I leave the vet thinking I could have asked for the prescription and went to target and purchased their generic brand for probably 10 bucks and it would have saved me 50 double @@. Needless to say we love our dog and we hope to nurse her back to health. Christmas is coming and if this keeps up we'll have to tie a red bow around Nelly's neck and tell the kids Merry Christmas!!

1 comment:

A Day In The Life Of A Military Wife ... said...

Aww Des ... I feel ya!!! Mollie, our chocolate, just got over an ear infection $95 later!!!