Saturday, August 29, 2009

K & A weddng

I posted these a couple days ago at like 1:00 am ( right after the wedding :) and I did not get a chance to write my normal introduction cause I couldn't see straight so here we go now. This was the first wedding I got to shoot outdoors and I really really really enjoy shooting outdoors. The lighting works and the colors are always great! Few days before the wedding a hurricane/tropical storm was brewing and threatened to be near the shore line of Delaware on Saturday. I watched the weather everyday and the chance of rain was less and less each day! I woke up Saturday morning to some pretty dark cloud cover and though uh oh... The boys went and played golf in the morning so I tagged along for some shots, the kind with a camera not a glass :) slowly but surely the clouds moved on out! As yo can see from the photos the sun was shining as bright as ever. We had a very happy bride and groom! Which brings me to them. Andrew in the youngest brother of one of my closet friends so I was honored when asked to shoot their wedding but even more flatter when they still wanted me to shoot the photos after my camera broke at his sisters wedding..... yup remember that post...2 down that's his sister. I had the camera fixed and brought a back up lol we couldn't let it happen to the same family twice. Kristen made a beautiful bride! She was cool & collected on her big day and I think everything went off without a hitch.. OK the cake was to pastel for what she wanted ....but it was very pretty :) & it looked fab on both their faces! I enjoyed shooting this wedding with lots of familiar faces & the help of Andrews sister Michelle who is also a photographer. Between her and I we got about 1800 photos YIKES well enjoy these and hopefully I will add more soon.

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