Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Crazy Pulmano girls!

These 3 girls decided to give their parents the gift of their craziness on photo paper for Christmas LOL I would say they did a really good job! We had some snow left of the ground and that made for a lot of fun! I love sessions when my subjects are free and fun spirited! I love capturing that on film!
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Jason & Angela

Wow its been so long since I updated this!! With the holidays gone I suppose I can try to get everything back in order! We did these photos spur of the moment before the mad rush of the holidays... right before Thanksgiving in fact. Jason was deploying a couple days later and will be gone for a yr :( So this session was extra special!! Jason was the soccer coach this yr and his son was on the team as well. Between their son and mine I think they enjoyed being off the field more than on the field. Boys will be boys!! Enjoy the photos :)
